Generate More Online Customer Reviews

How to get authentic customer reviews

Larry BradshawGet More Reviews

Today’s consumers can smell a fake a mile away. That’s why it’s essential to generate customer reviews that are genuine, from your actual customers and reflective of your company and the service you provide.

Excellence at Every Turn

It starts with taking good care of your customers and instilling a standard across all your business’ employees, locations, and customer touchpoints of EXCELLENCE.

You’ll hear lots of ideas on how you can motivate the consumer to fill out a review and the types of incentives you can provide or even what a review is worth. But we challenge you to reverse that thinking. Instead, reward the employee that delivers EXCELLENCE.

When you give unforgettable service, customers want to talk about it because it was exceptional. So, start by being exceptional to drive authentic customer reviews.

Make it Easy

Jump through hoops…no thanks! Customers are just as busy as you and the ones willing to submit a review are happy to do so if you make it simple.

  • Make sure to claim your Google Business Page.
  • Get a link shortener ( to keep the link you want them to go to short and sweet.
  • Offer a QR Code in your store for fast access to the site. (
  • Ask for reviews across a variety of review sites (,, Google, BBB) to ensure you get a quality mix on sites and social channels your customer linger on.
  • Generate reviews via email, text and surveys with Monitor Business Reviews solutions.

Cowboy Up…Make the Ask

Every touchpoint with your customer is a chance to ask for them to share their experience with the world. If you’re afraid to ask, then that might be an indication that you’re afraid of what you’ll hear. In that case, we refer you back to the first section of this blog. (Hint: Be excellent!)

  • Ask right at the point of sale.
  • Ask once you’ve completed their project.
  • Follow up with an email after a great meeting – thank them for the meeting and ask.
  • Use it as a smart way to get back in front of clients who worked with you in the past – this can be extra beneficial as they recollect on the service you provided.
  • And especially ask when you have been given a compliment by a customer – they are already feeling amazing about you!

What to Say? Here are few easy ways to ask:

“It’s been our privilege to serve you today. Would you be willing to share your experience with others on our behalf?

“Our team was just talking about your project and how fun it was to work with you. We’d love to hear your thoughts; would you take a minute to review our company online?”

“We appreciate your business and the opportunity to work with you. A review from customers like you makes a difference. Could we ask you to share your experience with an online review?”

“Learning how we’re doing makes us better. Would you help us improve by reviewing our business?”

When you’re being genuine about caring for your customers, asking for their feedback will come just as easily. Let us help you get more authentic reviews, monitor what customers are saying about your business and respond to feedback simply so you can get back to delivering EXCELLENCE!

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